WSU Tri-Cities
It’s official! Students at WSU Tri-Cities are now enrolled in classes to earn a minor in Spanish. The first group will complete the Spanish minor in Spring 2016.
During Spring 2015 we offered Span 306, “Reading and Translation,” our first upper-level course. This course helped grow our Spanish enrollment by approximately 70% over the last year. The courses attracted both recent graduates who have returned to campus to take the class and several seniors in their last semester who may return in the future to take more Spanish classes.
We will also offer Foreign Language 120 “Introduction to Foreign Cultures,” in Fall 2015, as it was a very popular course in past semesters. The first time it was offered in Fall 2014 more than 50 students enrolled. One of the most popular assignments was to interview Tri-Cities staff and faculty members who were born in other countries.
WSU Vancouver
The Department of Foreign Languages at Vancouver is excited about many new developments! We would first like to congratulate Casandra Gulam, an instructor of Spanish and a departmental Program Leader, who was inducted into the Washington State University Teaching Academy this past November in recognition for her record of outstanding teaching and commitment to undergraduate excellence.
In December, we made a successful run of the STAMP test, which showed our Spanish minors to be on-par with their peers in Pullman, and our Spanish program continues to grow!
This semester we will offer students the opportunity to take our new minor in Film Studies, thus broadening interest in all our courses.
Finally, we are excited to participate in the inaugural “Maymester” 3-week summer session with Spanish 261, which will provide students on campus, and in the community, the opportunity to take medical Spanish in an intensive setting designed for maximum results.