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Washington State University
News Travels December 2015 newsletter home page


This has been a busy semester and many great things have taken place since last spring.

As always, we seek to improve how the Language Learning Resource Center (LLRC) operates, whether that means adding services or improving our current services. We average more than 30 students using the lab per day, with some days seeing more than 60 students visiting the lab.

Our recent additions of language tutoring and media streaming have been very popular since their inception. We have had well over 1,000 viewings of movies and clips from our streaming media collection this semester by students and faculty and the language tutors are in constant demand.

Additionally, our printing and scanning services are well used. Several students have commented that the LLRC is their “go-to place” for printing. And of course, many students like having a quiet, comfortable place to study.


Another popular update to the LLRC has been the newly purchased equipment, such as the new PC and Mac laptops, as well as the iPads. The faculty and teaching assistants have really enjoyed being able to use these in some of the more technically challenged classrooms on campus.

We recently added two new video projectors to our inventory and expect them to see a lot of use. Our camera equipment has been extremely busy this semester with many faculty recording their class sessions and other class activities and the social media interns using the equipment on a steady basis. We hope to purchase a new video camera soon as we have a high demand for it.

Department Website

Over the summer, we also finished up with the new department website. If you haven’t had a chance to see it, please take a look at We are really proud of the work put into the site and would especially like to thank our former social media interns, Anna Becker and Hayley Pearce, for their help with that.

Our People

Finally, I would like to thank the 18 student members of the LLRC Staff. This includes the lab monitors, tutors, and technicians who keep the place running. I will list them below but I want to especially thank Kate Boothman and Karina Crookston, who are both graduating this semester.

Kate has been working at the LLRC her entire WSU career and really knows everything there is to know about the lab. Karina is one of our techs and she has been working at the LLRC for the last two years. She assists with computer updates and maintenance and has become a great resource for the LLRC.

Lab Staff:

Daniel Aguilar – Monitor Alisia Anguiano – Spanish Tutor
Kate Boothman – Monitor Mercy Boothman – Monitor
Anna Cole – Monitor Karina Crookston – Tech
Ben Ducken – Chinese Tutor Patricia Duell – Japanese Tutor
Jared Haeg – Monitor Josh Korver – Monitor
Amelia Nixon – German Tutor Laura Peder – French Tutor
Avery Palchikoff – Spanish Tutor Vasiliy Sinelnyy – Monitor
Andree Solari – Italian Tutor Kentaro Tourangeau – Monitor
Maricela Vargas – Monitor Dan Verheul – Russian Tutor