Arabic Studies
Arabic Is Growing!
We are excited to announce the addition of the second year Arabic course! Instructor Manal Shaheen now teaches first AND second year Arabic students the fundamentals of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Arabic 101 is a language course designed for students with little to no previous knowledge or background of the Arabic language. This course is proficiency based, covering all four language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
In the second year, students continue to develop proficiency in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), the official Arabic language. Arabic 102 is also a proficiency-based course; by the end of the semester, students will have expanded their ability to engage in social interactions in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner in the Arab language and culture.
The Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures is eager to continue to grow the Arabic program, as we now have Arabic prefixes for classes beginning Fall 2017 and we hope to add third- and fourth-year classes in the future.
Arabic students participate in a MESA workshop
Through the Middle Eastern Language Student Association (MESA) at WSU, students have the chance to practice speaking with native speakers, which helps them improve their skills in speaking, listening, and writing. Instructor Manal Shaheen works with MESA to support our students’ success and to help them develop their Arabic speaking skills.
2017-2018 Outstanding First-Year Arabic Students
The Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures honored our outstanding first-year Arabic students at the annual awards ceremony during Mom’s Weekend in April.
Congratulations to Fernanda Almeida and Anthony Dullum!