German Student Receives Goldwater Scholarship
WSU undergraduate Justin Niedermeyer, who is triple majoring in physics, vocal performance, and German for the Professions, received a Goldwater Scholarship for 2015. According to the scholarship website: “The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program was established by Congress in 1986 to honor Senator Barry Goldwater, who served his country for 56 years as a soldier and statesman, including 30 years of service in the U.S. Senate. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue research careers in these fields.” (
Faculty-Led Summer Programs 2016
The German faculty is united in their commitment to encouraging the study of German in country at all levels of their program. In June 2016, Professor Joshua Bonzo will lead a program to Berlin for students interested in studying German culture. Under his tutelage they will complete a German culture course taught in English. After leading a successful summer program to Berlin summer 2015, Professor Jolyon T. Hughes is heading to Vienna, Austria, with a combined group of students from WSU and Colorado State University. During his six-week program, students will study German culture and German conversation, while still having time for plenty of travel on the weekends. Professor Rachel Halverson will return for the fourth time to the Universität Duisburg-Essen in June 2016 with a group of WSU students participating in the UDE Sommerkurs. Prior to their departure, most of the participants will have completed GERMAN 101 on the Pullman campus.
Faculty Activites
Professor Halverson is pleased to announce the publication of Taking Stock of German Studies in the United States: The New Millennium (Camden House 2015), dedicated to Helene Zimmer-Loew, executive director of the American Association of Teachers of German for 26 years. Halverson co-edited this volume and co-authored the introduction with Dr. Carol Anne Costabile-Heming (University of North Texas). She contributed a single-authored chapter as well. The volume was formally presented to Zimmer-Loew in October at the German Studies Association Conference in Washington, DC (see photo at right). “New Media Texte für die Millenials im DaF Unterricht” by Halverson and Dr. Pennylyn Dykstra-Pruim (Calvin College) appeared in the fall 2015 issue of Unterrichtspraxis. In addition, Halverson presented the session “Vincent will Meer (2010) und Oh Boy! (2012): Film als Sprechanlass und ‘Techanlass’” in October at the Washington Association for Foreign Language Teaching in Wenatchee.
Professor Hughes co-edited the following two volumes of Trans-Lit2 with Irmgard Hunt: XXI/1 April 2015 and Vol. XXI/2 November 2015. In addition, he presented his paper “ETA Hoffmann’s Visual Light-Near Dissociation – Prostitute’s Pupil” at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference in October in Santa Fe, NM. He also served as translator/interpreter for “Persistence and Change in the Black Forest Ethnic Dress Tradition,” an article co-authored by Amy S. Hughes, Jennifer Paff Ogle, and Susan Torntore which appeared in International Journal of Costume and Fashion 15.1 (2015).