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News Travels December 2015 newsletter home page


The Russian section has been working diligently in collaboration with DFLC administration to develop all the materials necessary for reinstatement of the Russian minor degree option. Given the number of WSU students who have expressed interest in pursuing the minor, we hope to offer it again in the near future. For a Russian minor, students will take four semesters of the Russian language (101, 102, 203 & 204), or at least 203 and 204 (8 credits), if they studied two semesters of Russian before coming to WSU or if they otherwise can read and write in Russian. Other courses will be necessary to complete the overall required 17 credits, such as Russian Culture 321, Russian Film 410, and St. Petersburg 430. If any of these courses are not available or appealing, there will be other choices in other departments (History, Political Science, and Humanities) that will be counted towards Russian minor.

If you are interested obtaining a minor in Russian, please stay tuned as more information will be posted during the reinstatement process. You are welcome to email your questions to Dr. Elena Smith or Dr. Sergey Lapin

The Association of Russian Culture Learners has been popular among many WSU students this semester. Meetings are every Wednesday at the CUB, L37, 6:00-8:00 p.m. They have talks about culture, politics, traditions and food (and eat Russian food!), watch movies, play games, and more.