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Washington State University
News Travels Season's Greetings, Cougs!

WSU Tri-Cities

During Fall 2014 WSU Tri-Cities offered Foreign Language 120, which enrolled 55 students. There is a growing interest in language courses at Tri-Cities. A Notice of Intent to offer a Spanish minor at WSU Tri-Cities was submitted. We are excited to offer more Spanish courses in Spring 2015. This spring will be the first semester that we have offered Spanish 203 and Spanish 306.

For more information contact:
Carol Wilkerson, Coordinator of Academic Affairs

WSU Vancouver

DFLC Vancouver is excited to offer students from all WSU campuses the opportunity to participate in a 9-day faculty-led trip to Cuba in Summer 2015! The experience focuses on Havana, which is the home city of program leader María Lee-López, instructor of Spanish. The trip itinerary, featuring tours, lectures, visits, and classes on a range of topics, from Afro-Cuban art to Santería, architecture, and salsa (dancing, not tomatoes!), is enhanced by a series of lectures and readings coordinated by Lee-López prior to departure, and a final project upon return. Students participating in the trip earn 3 UCORE credits (including Span 121) – but most importantly, they have the experience of a lifetime! Again, this trip is open to any student (no particular class standing required) on any campus that meets other minimum academic requirements as established by International Programs. ¡Vamos a Cuba!

Check out the Cuba program guide!

Please contact Lee-López at with any questions and to be included in the mailing list.